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Me, My Bicycle and I: Part One: Through Europe by F McKeown ( Review )

Happy Sunday 😇

Author: F McKeown @fmbicycle123

Rating: 9.6/10📚✔️

Me, My Bicycle and I: Part One: Through Europe by F McKeown is something unique that I can't even resist myself after seeing the title. It's jolly and my source of happiness during I was facing some low in my daily life. 

Did you know that you may travel with just a bicycle and no cash? Did you know that a bicycle may be used as both a mode of transportation and a recreational vehicle? Did you know that you can ride your bike throughout your own country for free? 'It costs too much money!' you say, I hear you say. What if I told you that you should also carry a tent? That would take care of the lodging and transportation. What do you think of that? 'Food?' you inquire! Carbohydrates are a good place to start. Water is water, and you'll find enough of it along the road. I hear you calling, 'Time.' Take a vacation. It's best to save it for the weekends. You can travel in four directions: north, south, east, and west.
What else could you possibly require? I feel that everybody may benefit from the bicycle's delicious motion. That is exactly what I did, even though I was not restricted to a single country... Continue reading to learn more... Perhaps I've arrived in your land... There were a total of twenty countries... Perhaps one of them belonged to you.

During this lockdown period when you are struggling to get out of your household. This book is a blessing for me and us as well. The description of every detail made a smile on my face that it is possible with a mere bicycle. Just go through this book if you haven't till now! It's a great read for sure.

I recommend this book to each and everyone in this testing times for something positive response. And also to every person who needs to be a bit optimistic right now. A must-read for sure.

Thank you, F McKeown, for giving me the good opportunity to read this wonderful book of yours.📚✔️
You wrote it very well.📚
Looking forward to reading more from you.❤

Me, My Bicycle and I: Part One: Through Europe by F McKeown ( Review ) Me, My Bicycle and I: Part One: Through Europe by F McKeown ( Review ) Reviewed by Er. Harpreet Singh on June 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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