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Interview With Author Rin Navarro

Name : Rin Navarro

About Author:
I am the author of a Devil’s Deal which is my first book that’s published. I live in Wichita Falls, Texas and aspire to make writing my full-time career.

Author's Interview :

How long does it takes you to write a book?
A Devil’s Deal took me two years, but that’s because it was just for fun at first. It was just a hobby that I left sitting on my laptop for a while and then it turned into a novel. Most of my stories end up this way.

How old were you when you decided to become a writer ? and where did you get inspiration from?
I was twelve when I really started writing, and sixteen when I finished my real book, but didn’t get that one published. I’ve researched, gone to writing conferences and did my homework. Writing is in my blood. As for inspiration, I get it from my own life experiences, but with a supernatural twist.

Would you like to mention those people who supported your journey to become a writer?
My sister, Ana, for sure. A Devil’s Deal would’ve stayed on my laptop if it wasn’t for her wanting to know more of the story. Overall, I have a big support system from my friends and family who continuously pushed me to keep going on when I felt like giving up. Especially my mom, who’s been my number one cheerleader through this whole process.

What else do you like besides writing?
I love to read and paint. I’ve always been the creative type. If I’m not doing that, you can catch me dancing around, being goofy with my friends or lounging around with my fur babies.

What advice would you like to give to our new writers who have just stepped into this journey or are thinking of making a move?
Never. Give. Up. This career path can be a lonely road paved with rejection, but when you finally see your book published, it all becomes worth it.

How do you feel after writing? Does it make you more energize or exhausted?
It depends on the scene that I’m doing. If it’s a tough one to write, it can take a lot out of me. When I write, I really put myself into my characters to feel what they feel. Otherwise, I’m always energized after thinking of the story I created.

Do you read your book Reviews? How do you Deal with bad or good Reviews?
Yes, I do. Mainly for fact that I want to see what people think of my book. Obviously I would love for everyone to like it, but that’s not reality. I take bad reviews lightly, especially if they’re very negative.

What does literary success look like to you?
In my eyes, I already achieved literary success. I got my book published. People are reading my writing and that was my big dream all along. Now I just have to keep my literary success going by writing more!

Would you like to give any special message to my blog readers?
Thank you guys for all the support and if you have read my book, please tell me what you think. Leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads, look for my author’s name on Facebook or Instagram. I would love to hear your guys thoughts on it.

Your Published Books :

Your Upcoming Books :
There’s no expected publication date yet, but the sequel to A Devil’s Deal is going to be called An Angel’s Deal.

Thank you very much for giving your valuable time to my blog readers.

Interview With Author Rin Navarro Interview With Author Rin Navarro Reviewed by Er. Harpreet Singh on February 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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