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I've only been kidnapped twice By Eliza Jong. (Review)

Happy Monday. 😇

Book : I've only been kidnapped twice. 

Author : Eliza Jong.

Rating : 10/10📚✨

I've only been kidnapped twice is an engaging and humorous memoir that encompasses events and situations that were memorable and noteworthy. I'm sure the title of the book is enough to draw your attention.

Eliza Jong's life is filled with big and small moments of happiness, craziness, reality checks and balances of rotating jolly and shocking experiences. Right from her first car to kidnapping twice and from not realising that the villa's owner was the drug dealer to her experience of pregnancy and motherhood, she has being through it all. Her family and friends played so many big roles and the way she introduced each person was extraordinary and so funny.

Eliza has also included some of the memorable holidays and trips. They were many moments that will make you laugh out loud and it's an reading experience that isn't going away anytime soon. Her wildest memories that would have been disastrous was either faced head on or given other opportunities for more hilarious hybrid situation. 

After having really bad day, I think picking up this book was the best decision that I took today. The author's funny yet truthful way of speaking and narrating everything was simply extraordinary and I had such a great time reading it. I did not read the blurb prior to my decision as it was already interesting to me, the author did not disappoint me at all. Her unique writing style definitely won me over from the first page. Each experiences and memory sparked essence of humour as well as reality, powered by retorts and statements.

This is a must read for those who loves to delve into memoirs that has a funny and profound side attached to it. I deemed this book as a memoir with an unique and interesting life events and everything.
I've only been kidnapped twice By Eliza Jong. (Review) I've only been kidnapped twice By Eliza Jong. (Review) Reviewed by Er. Harpreet Singh on November 01, 2022 Rating: 5

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