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Shit Adults Never Told Us By Natasha Sattler ( Review )

Happy Thursday 😇

Author : Natasha sattler

Rating: 9.8/10📚✔️

“Shit adults never told us” is a self care book by Natasha sattler it is an amazing book 📖 covering the most discussed and important topic needed in life.☑️

This is, essentially, a memoir disguised as a self-help book. You’re going to learn a ton of lessons through author's failures.

The book cover, title and the choice of words are amazing and i loved it completely. 📕✔️

The book is written in 4 sections📶
 -career and money shit, 
 -relationship shit,
 -mind shit, and 
 -life shit, 
are present in this book which is helpful for your whole life.♾️

Normally Grown-ups taught us from what they knew but technological advancements, a rapidly changing society, and those grown-ups’ own upbringing made it impossible for them to teach us everything. 📝

That’s where this book 📖 comes in. It’s packed with lots of lessons we never learned.🔖

I liked each part of this book but would like to present the best ones which I liked the most.😍

And would like to tell my readers that you must read it.📚

*🔖Part 1*

•Have Savings
•Plan For Retirement Early
•Negotiate Your Salary
•Never Make A Decision •Because Of Money
•Know About Tax •Withholdings And •Deductions
•Accept That Dreams Take Work

*🔖Part 2*

•Have The Courage To Fall In Love 
•Discern What’s Really Love
•Learn How To Fight 
•Survive A Breakup Or Divorce
•Get Your Heart Broken
•Be Your Own “Person

*🔖Part 3*

•Do Things That Scare You
•Don’t Be Afraid To Start Over
•Calm Anxiety
•Realize Guilt And Regret Are Useless Emotions
•Trust That Time Heals All
•Seek Humor

*🔖Part 4*

•Travel On Any Budget
•Travel Alone
•Protect Your Privacy
•Give To Charity
•Live Like Nothing Stays The Same .
•Be More Interesting

Author also mentioned short note or brief of chapters📝 which is also beneficial to collect all knowledge in short at last.😍

I read this book and understood many important things, I recommend this book to everyone especially people who are working,👩🏻‍💻 parents👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 and young people👩🏻‍🦱👨🏻‍🦱.

I appreciate the way author look at life, And I also appreciate the details in the book.📚

Thank you, Natasha sattler for giving me this opportunity to reading such a wonderful book of yours. 😍❣️

Eagerly waiting for the next book 📖 from you. So many wonderful concepts are written in the book. I think this book will be very inspiring for everyone and i highly recommend this to everyone out there😇

Shit Adults Never Told Us By Natasha Sattler ( Review ) Shit Adults Never Told Us By Natasha Sattler ( Review ) Reviewed by Er. Harpreet Singh on April 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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