Interview With Author Linda O'Dunn and Jordyn O'Dnn

Name : Linda O'Dunn and Jordyn O'Dnn

About Author:
I am a mother, grandmother, and teacher. Education – especially of girls and women – is very important to me. I love to travel, meet new people and learn about new cultures. [Linda] 
I am a daughter, friend and mentor- like my mother I love to travel to new places and explore new cultures, but I also very much enjoy curling up in bed with a good book and a glass of wine. [Jordyn]

Author's Interview :

How long does it take you to write a book?
That depends on what I am writing. This book is a compilation of poems that my daughter and I wrote to each other over many years. [Linda] 
This is the first official endeavor I have made, but I know that the writing process can be a very long one. Especially editing! [Jordyn]

How old were you when you decided to become a writer? and where did you get inspiration from?
I did not make a conscious choice to become a writer. I have written poems for my family for over 30 years. In the past 10 years, I have started a nonfiction book (still unfinished), and written a few children’s books (unpublished). [Linda] 
I realized from a young age that writing was something I enjoyed but it was, and still is not, something I intend to pursue as a career. I write because I love to, and whenever I get the inspiration to- which comes from so many things! Television or films that have moved me, other books, the relationships with those I love. [Jordyn]

Would you like to mention those people who supported your journey to become a writer?
My daughters have always been supportive and encouraging. I have a cousin who has published plays and, recently, a book – she has been an inspiration to me. [Linda] 
My mother and my sisters have been incredibly supportive, as have my friends. [Jordyn]

What else do you like besides writing?
I love travelling, reading, and yoga. [Linda] 
Very similar to my mother I love reading and traveling, and going for long drives listening to good music! [Jordyn]

What advice would you like to give to our new writers who have just stepped into this journey or are thinking of making a move?
I believe that everyone has a story to tell, and that sharing our stories is an important part of our human journey. I would encourage anyone who feels a desire to write to do so. I would tell them that it can be a challenging process, but also a very fulfilling one.  [Linda] 
Trust your gut and follow your heart. Your work does not and should not be like anyone else’s- it is special because it is yours. Also do not lose heart when things become hard- writers block and editing are a difficult part of the process but so important!  [Jordyn]

How do you feel after writing? Does it make you more energized or exhausted?
That depends on what I am writing; something light-hearted leaves me energized, while something sad or difficult can leave me feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted. [Linda]
Both! Having ideas come and getting them down is always energizing but that doesn’t mean I don’t get exhausted from making everything come together. It can be a long process but it is so worth it. [Jordyn]

Do you read your book Reviews? How do you Deal with bad or good Reviews?
Only two people have reviewed our book so far, and both reviews were positive, which was encouraging. [Linda]
I think it’s always good to read reviews, but I try not to put too much stock in them. I write for myself, so I try not to let anyone else’s opinion colour that. [Jordyn]

What does literary success look like to you?
Literary success, to me, means connecting with people, sharing hardships and triumphs, letting people know that they are not alone in their struggles. [Linda]
The same as my mother! Writing what resonates with me and connecting to others who see some part of themselves in it. [Jordyn]

Would you like to give any special message to my blog readers?
I would love to hear from people who read the book. I am very interested in hearing which poems resonated with them. [Linda]
Thank you for taking the time to read about us and I hope you enjoy our book! [Jordyn]

Your Published Books:
Mother-Daughter Poems (and Letters) is the first book that I have published. [Linda]   (See Review)
As above. [Jordyn]

Your Upcoming Books:
Where Did Gran Go? which is a children’s book about the loss of a grandmother. It will hopefully be self-published this spring or early summer. [Linda]
None. [Jordyn]

Thank you very much for giving your valuable time to my blog readers.

Interview With Author Linda O'Dunn and Jordyn O'Dnn Interview With Author Linda O'Dunn and Jordyn O'Dnn Reviewed by Er. Harpreet Singh on February 20, 2021 Rating: 5

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