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Spark By Y.C. Leung. (review)

Happy Saturday 😊 

Author: Y.C. Leung @ycleung365 

Rating: 10/10📔✔️

Spark, the debut novel of Y.C. Leung, is a  fantastic YA thriller/ Pandemic fiction where normalcy is wiped off the face of earth in just matter of minutes. From floods to flame, massive earthquakes to life threatening virus, tap into your latent survival impulse as imminent dangerous roll in closer and closer with every passing minute.

Everyone gathered in Reunion Square was expecting to have the best of times including Meghan and Becky. Happy moments quickly escalates to utter chaos as the world they know is plunged into destructive mode. Four friends, Meghan, Becky, Robert and Connor find themselves suddenly thrown into the situation where every minute of indecision is a moment lost in survival.

As the story deepens, the frequency of unexpected disasters rapidly mutates and with the the arrival of a powerful virus with deadly symptoms, the stakes of survival has just stepped up by a notch. Escaping these and fighting their inner demons, everyone is subjected to this unforeseen side of the person they never thought they'll encounter.

This is is a sort of apocalyptic/ survival fiction where the unexpected disaster leaves a heartbreaking aftermath and the characters are left to deal with its consequences. As far as the characterization goes, there were a lot of development and I really like the fact that they had these layers to each one of personality wise signifying the realistic feel to them. The plot is honestly the best, you cannot predict what will happen, as the events curves, twists and spin all at once making you feel that anticipation. It is filled with remarkable and sinuous occurrences that will literally shock you beyond anything. Concocting dystopian novel with carefully weaved suspense is an arduous task and I must say the author has done a marvelous job because her writing style is absolutely engaging and it definitely shows that she has planned every detail to the T. Mapping out the route of the story through different characters was also well done.
Spark By Y.C. Leung. (review) Spark By Y.C. Leung. (review) Reviewed by Er. Harpreet Singh on November 15, 2022 Rating: 5

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