A Coloured In Full Flight By Georgie Calverley. (review)

Happy Monday 😇

Author: Georgie Calverley @georgie.calverley67

Rating: 9.8/10📚✔️

A coloured in full flight is a the second installment of memoir of the author's life that portrays the honest truth about his own struggles and emotional stigmata that tried to trip him over but he took the reigns of his life and choices into his own hands.

This reflective memoir is an emotionally packed and a multi layered shifts into Georgie's life as he recounts various episodes from his life. They represent a wide array of situations that covers what it feels to be fighting the inner demon and at same time going through a spectrum of feelings that would at times felt deceiving and sometimes close to heart. He makes an important point when he quoted that "Society and family" expect us behave in an expected manner and mould us into something that's not the real us. This section resonated with me on a deeper level because I understood what the author convey through simply making that statement.

While book one gave us a chance to delve into his childhood and the experiences that he had to go through for being gay, this book is, however, different. This second book shares his sense of adventure which never diminish. As an young adult who was shamed and bullied, he decides to finally put an end to the societal discriminations as he starts to bloom under their privileged and thorny mindset. This is basically his journey which is going to take you places and awake the realistic emotions. The most important thing about this book is that the author didn't sugar-coat any event just to paint a rosy picture of a situation that satisfy the readers and make them believe that everything is fairytale. He has written it with absolute convection of putting everything out in the most honest and raw manner as possible.

Those who believe to break the mould that the society tries to put them in should read this memoir. I'm sure expressing these experiences must not have been easy for the author but nonetheless he has done a great job to inspire others through his journey from self-destruction to the path of healing. A must read for everyone.
A Coloured In Full Flight By Georgie Calverley. (review) A Coloured In Full Flight By Georgie Calverley. (review) Reviewed by Er. Harpreet Singh on November 15, 2022 Rating: 5

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