Happy Thursday 😇
Book : A Carpet Of Violets And Clover.
Author : Jenny Zimmer
Rating : 10/10 📚✨
A Carpet of Violets and Clover is an uniquely refreshing and elevating collection of short stories, personal essays, poems and haiku. Bringing you a sense of harmony and soulful thoughts and feelings, journey into this masterfully written book.
This is a fascinating collection of intriguing content that will captivate you with its emotions and sentiments. It doesn't fall flat as the author has given equal importance to each section. It's evident that she has put her heart and soul into her book.
A significant contribution to the literary world as Jenny has delicately curated a magical place where readers will feel serene and peaceful while connecting with nature and people on a profound level of understanding. Through her creative writing style, she has the immense ability to gently ease your steps into vivid natures, beautiful hues of life's experiences and memories. Her words are soothing and it transports you from all stress and strain of struggles. When we read a book we tend to either escape the tensions or feel the strength of resonating or familiarity realization, delving into this extraordinary work made me discover the best of both worlds.
"Memories are gifts
That we can open one by one,
And enjoy over and over."
- An excerpt from A Carpet of Violets and Clover. ( Poems and Haiku section.)
I'd say this book is for everyone. With a distinctive fusion of short stories, personal essays and poetry, "A Carpet of Violets & Clover" is a must read to experience the wonders of what life has to offer to us. An amazingly uplifting and melodious creation to brighten your day.
A Carpet Of Violets And Clover By Jenny Zimmer ( Review)
Reviewed by Er. Harpreet Singh
November 01, 2022

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