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Interview With Author Anthony Ochoa

Name : Anthony Ochoa

About Author:
My name is Anthony Ochoa, I am newly self published author, who loves to write fun and exciting stories. I am a father and a husband, and I love sci-fi fantasy!

Author's Interview :

How long does it takes you to write a book?
My first book took me about a year of writing/editing – but I started the story many years ago.

How old were you when you decided to become a writer ? and where did you get inspiration from?
I was around 13 years old when I decided that I wanted to write a story. 18 years later, I finally did it.

Would you like to mention those people who supported your journey to become a writer?
My wife, she has been so supportive and a great backdrop for me to bounce ideas off of.

What else do you like besides writing?
I am interested in coding, and I like to lift weights and workout, and I love being a dad.

What advice would you like to give to our new writers who have just stepped into this journey or are thinking of making a move?
Just do it, you’re going to have doubts, and wonder if your story has been told, don’t compare, at least try not to. It’s your story, tell it.

How do you feel after writing? Does it make you more energize or exhausted?
Depends on what it is. Typically, I feel good, but I can get into those moments where I get stuck on what I need to do or how to do it within the context of the story and that can be exhausting.

Do you read your book Reviews? How do you Deal with bad or good Reviews?
I do, read them, I haven’t gotten a bad one yet 😊 but I imagine that when I inevitably do, I will be hurt a little, but will hopefully remember that not everyone likes the same thing, and that it is what it is.
What does literary success look like to you?
I think everyone has that image of being able to just write and live off that, movies being made or TV shows. To me, just getting them out there and people reading them, whether it is hundreds of people or thousands I consider it a success.

Would you like to give any special message to my blog readers?
I’m not sure to be honest, but thank you for reading my answers 😊

Your published books:

Your upcoming books:
The Eri’Dorian Knights – Tides of Power December 2021.

Thank you very much for giving your valuable time to my blog readers.

Interview With Author Anthony Ochoa Interview With Author Anthony Ochoa Reviewed by Er. Harpreet Singh on February 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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