Happy Tuesday.😇
Author : Loren Greene
Rating : 9.0/10 📚✔️
Meet You By Hachiko by Loren Greene is a adventurous suspense story of two friends grace and kana of which kana suddenly disappear without staying a word.🤷♀️
The book's cover, title and the storyline is just amazing. And the image used in the cover page is very beautiful.📜📚
The story starts with a girl named was Grace. who lives in a small town. she was average in studies and average looking girl she used to wear old fashioned cloLink
She had a boyfriend named was simon, He caught the eyes of other girls, his smattering of freckles, easy smile and lanky, athletic build, but if he noticed, he never let on.🧒
Grace often imagined people staring when they saw her and Simon together, as though he were Beauty and she the Beast.🙎♀️
Grace would suddenly be obsessed with her looks. It wasn’t truly about looks, but that was hard for her to explain.🤦♀️
Then she met a girl online named was kana she was beautiful stylish smart and fascinating. grace wanted to talk with her she texted her. Next day grace got an unexpected reply from kana.👭
They started to talk 👩💻
They became good friends.👩💻
They started sharing things of everyday.👩💻
They chatted for a long time. one day kana did not answer Grace's email.😟
Grace waited for her reply day by day and she kept texting her she was worried about kana. but kana didn't answered. Kana was suddenly disappeared.😥
Would you like to know this story in detail?🤫
Or would you like to know the answers of some questions?🤔 like
What happened with Kana that she suddenly disappeared ?🤔
Grace did what efforts to find kana ?😳
What happened to simon ?😯
Will kana and grace meet again?🧐
If you want to find these answers then go and read this adventurous story of Friendship.🔥🔥
And I want to say to all who like to read new fresh stories, they should definitely read this.📖💯
Thank you Loren Green to give me a good opportunity to read this wonderfull story❤
looking forward to read more from you📖✔️
Book Purchase Link
Meet You By Hachiko by Loren Greene ( Review )
Reviewed by Er. Harpreet Singh
January 19, 2021

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